The wind blows us across the sea from the UK to Spain in this recital which features music old and new. Dowland’s lute songs are perennially popular with their rather melancholy moods and Britten takes over this period with his song from the opera Gloriana. The songs of the poet Lorca mirror Dowland’s thoughtful emotions whilst the De Falla has more of the exuberance and energy of flamenco. A new work taken from his recent opera Hamlet brings the programme up to date in the Brett Dean’s Gertrude Fragments.
A prize-winner in many competitions Lotte Betts Dean began her training in her native Australia before moving to the UK to continue her studies. She is joined here by another award-winning Australian whose star is currently firmly rising.
Lotte Betts Dean Mezzo Soprano
Jesse Flowers Guitar
Thomas Campion Never weather beaten sail
John Dowland Come again, sweet love, His golden locks, In darkness let me dwell, Can she excuse my wrongs
Benjamin Britten Second Lute Song of the Earl of Essex
Benjamin Britten Songs from the Chinese
Brett Dean Gertrude Fragments
Enrique Granados 3 songs from Tonadillas
Federico Garcia Lorca Canciones Españolas Antiguas
Maurice Ohana Tiento
Manuel De Falla Siete Canciones Populares Españolas